Neck Pain

Interventional Spine Medicine
Pain Management Specialists located in Barrington, NH & Rye, NH
Are you finding it difficult to relax with constant neck pain? If so, you’re not alone. Neck pain is one of the most common types of pain in the United States. Fortunately, Jan Slezak, MD, and Asteghik Hacobian, MD, at Interventional Spine Medicine offer a number of solutions to help relieve neck pain. For more information, call the office in Barrington, Rye, Plaistow, or North Hampton, New Hampshire, by phone today.
Neck Pain Q&A
What is neck pain?
Your neck is where the spinal column and spinal cord begin. While the entire spinal column contains dozens of bony segments called vertebrae, the neck is comprised of seven.
These oddly shaped bony structures, or cervical vertebrae, help protect your spinal cord and provide flexibility for your neck.
The muscles, bones, and ligaments in your neck help hold up and support your head, which weighs more than 10 pounds, so damage to any of these structures can lead to debilitating chronic pain.
What causes neck pain?
There are many conditions and injuries that can cause neck pain, including:
- Sports injury
- Whiplash
- Teeth grinding/jaw clenching
- Pinched nerve
- Arthritis
- Poor posture
- Meningitis
- Osteoporosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Spinal stenosis
- Tumor
- Poor sleep habits
- Muscle strain
- Herniated disc
If you’ve been experiencing neck pain for more than six weeks, the condition is considered chronic and should be evaluated by a doctor.
The team at Interventional Spine Medicine specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neck pain. They can design an individualized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and health goals.
How is neck pain treated?
After a comprehensive diagnosis, your provider will explain exactly how their various neck pain treatments can restore your health.
Some of these treatments include:
Spinal Injections
The team at Interventional Spine Medicine will assess the correct injection for your condition, including epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, radiofrequency lesioning, or trigger point injections.
Medical massage therapy
Interventional Spine Medicine offers therapeutic massages, deep-tissue massages, and relaxation massages to help reduce neck pain.
Physical therapy
If you’re experiencing chronic neck pain after an injury or surgery, the team can design an individualized physical therapy plan that relieves neck pain and helps restore range of motion and flexibility in your neck.
To learn more, call Interventional Spine Medicine today!
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