Herniated Disc

Interventional Spine Medicine
Pain Management Specialists located in Barrington, NH & Rye, NH
Herniated discs are a common cause of neck and back pain. However, with the right treatment, you can get relief from the symptoms caused by your herniated disc. At Interventional Spine Medicine, pain management specialists Jan Slezak, MD, and Asteghik Hacobian, MD, use advanced tools and techniques to diagnose and treat a herniated disc to help you get back to doing the things you enjoy. To schedule an appointment, contact the office in Barrington, Rye, Plaistow, or North Hampton, New Hampshire, by phone today!
Herniated Disc Q&A
What is a herniated disc?
Each vertebra that makes up your spine is cushioned by a gel-like disc, which acts as a shock-absorber and supports spine mobility.
A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like center of the disc pushes through the tough exterior and into the spinal canal, which may press or irritate the spinal canal or a nerve branch, resulting in pain, tingling, burning, or numbness.
You can develop a herniated disc in any part of your spine, but they most often occur in the cervical and lumbar spine.
What causes a herniated disc?
You can develop a herniated disc after a fall or from lifting a heavy object. However, herniated discs most often develop due to the degenerative changes that occur to the disc as you get older.
Over time, your spinal discs lose moisture and shrink, making them more susceptible to damage and herniation, even from a mild strain.
How is a herniated disc diagnosed?
The experienced team at Interventional Spine Medicine conducts comprehensive evaluations to diagnose a herniated disc.
During your exam, your provider asks detailed questions about your symptoms, medical history, medication use, occupation, and lifestyle habits, and then examines your spine.
To confirm a herniated disc, the team may perform diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRI, or a CT scan.
If your herniated disc is causing severe pain, the team may perform a discography. During the procedure, your provider uses a fluoroscope to locate the suspected pain-generating disc, and dye is injected while your pain level is monitored. The information provided by your discography helps the team develop a more effective treatment plan.
How is a herniated disc treated?
Treatment for your herniated disc is individualized based on the area of your spine affected, the severity of your herniation and the accompanying symptoms, and your overall health.
The pain management experts at Interventional Spine Medicine offer many treatment options to alleviate herniated disc symptoms, including:
- Physical therapy
- Medication
- Massage therapy
- Weight loss
- Regenerative medicine
- Spinal Injections
The pain management specialists also offer flexion-distraction therapy as a treatment option for a herniated disc, which is a manual therapy that decreases pressure on the disc and affected nerves to alleviate pain and promote healing.
For expert care of your herniated disc, call Interventional Spine Medicine today.
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